O'Hare Airport Terminal 5 Grand Opening
Expansion & Renovation
“With new gates, increased passenger amenities, a more efficient baggage handling system, and expanded security checkpoints and customs facilities, the state-of-the-art Terminal 5 of today is equipped to handle the growing demand we expect O’Hare to see in the coming years while offering an improved passenger experience,” CDA Commissioner Jamie L. Rhee said. “These crucial infrastructure investments will ensure that O’Hare maintains the capacity it needs to move forward with other O’Hare 21 work with minimal impact to operations.”
We were joined by Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot, the Chicago Department of Aviation (CDA), and our design and construction partners to celebrate the grand opening of the Terminal 5 Extension and Renovation at O'Hare International Airport. Led by our Austin Power Partners joint-venture, the three-year long project includes a 350,000 sf east expansion, renovation of 750,000 sf of the existing structure, expanded TSA security checkpoints, upgraded the electrical and mechanical systems, and an all new baggage handling system. The east extension adds 10 new wide-body gates, nine of which utilize multiple aircraft ramp systems which can adjust to accommodate both wide-body and narrow-body aircraft. These updates along with the expanded footprint have increased the terminal’s capacity by 25% to improve efficiency and reduce delays.
Committed to inclusivity, our Austin Power Partners team utilizing targeted outreach and contracting strategies to achieve 37% for certified minority, woman, or disadvantaged owned businesses. In partnership with our subcontractors, our Austin Power Partners Workforce Development Program hired 122 new apprentices that helped build the new terminal.
Construction of the Terminal 5 expansion began in March 2019. The first phase of the project includes an approximately $1.2 billion investment toward the modernization of O'Hare. The Terminal 5 expansion features:
10 new gates to provide 25 percent more gate capacity, improving efficiency and reducing delays
Expanded the existing building by approximately 350,000 square feet
Renovated more than 750,000 square feet of the existing building
Add more airline lounge space
Add more concessions and passenger amenities for an improved dining and shopping experience
Enlarge, reconfigure, and refurbish interior spaces
Integrate new furniture and new technology throughout the facility
Expand security checkpoints
Reconfigure and improve immigration and customs screening
Replace the existing terminal Baggage Handling System to increase handling efficiencies
Support various capital improvement projects to replace and upgrade mechanical systems